in the news
An interview with Tom about his book The Archive of Bernard Taylor in Bomb Magazine.
the booksellers
Tom appeared in the recent documentary about the New York rare book trade, The Booksellers.
antiques roadshow
A closer look at an insightful group of letters from a young Barack Obama to a college roommate.
pen america
The Guardian covered the exceptional sale of literary first editions organized by PEN America.
fine books & collectioNS: bright young booksellers
An interview with Tom Lecky in Fine Books & Collections magazine.
rare book hub: Tom lecky, the next stage
A profile of Tom after he purchased Riverrun Books.
american pie
On the sale of the original lyrics for Don McLean’s landmark song ‘American Pie.’
NY Times: bits of history (of bits) on the auction block
The groundbreaking 2005 auction, The History of Cyberspace.
NBC NEWS: science books fetch astronomical prices
A review of the sale of scientific books from the collection of Richard Green.
CNBC: a record for walt whitman
About the record-breaking sale of a copy of Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass.